Pretoria, 18 July 2019: Why are more men looking at Brotox to counter ageing effects? The days when grey power ruled the world are long gone. Men want to look good and sleek while still ruling from the power seats professionally. These are the words of Dr Chris Giezing, founder of Aesthetic Lab in Hazelwood, Pretoria.


Why are men concerned about “11s” between the eyes – perception versus reality


  1. Men “get it” – they are ageing and some are ageing at a faster rate than others!

Social media can be your friend or your enemy. You don’t want all those unsightly wrinkles, lines (and even crevices) exposed to the whole world! Since social media has boomed in popularity and impacts people on so many platforms, there is a lot of pressure on men to look their best. Your self-esteem and confidence will take a huge knock if you look more like your grandfather on Instagram while your contemporaries look more handsome and younger than you!


  1. Society doesn’t bat an eyelid when one admits your desire to look refreshed and well-groomed.

You are not a “softy” for admitting that you care about your looks. The selfie generation seems to view Botox® and fillers as part of regular maintenance. Non-invasive surgery is the talk of the town nowadays and currently features in most male magazines of note.


  1. According to Forbes Magazine, there is a direct correlation between one’s looks and one’s occupational success. The job market is highly competitive thus men increasingly feel pressured to look youthful, attractive and energised. Brotox allows them to do just that. Those deep frown lines and wrinkled forehead make you look old and worried all the time. And that really is something to frown about when you are up against the millennials who have the social know how and are eager to learn and even replace you.


  1. Should you find yourself on the dating scene, it really is a must to look as good as you can. A little Botox here and there can let the ladies swoon! It will boost your self-confidence and self-esteem if you look good and even better knowing that you have what it takes to show the other lads a thing or two!



But what is Brotox?

Firstly, Brotox is an informal slang word that stemmed from the words “brother” and “Botox®” – hence Brotox! Secondly, Brotox is similar to the filler injections for women to smooth out lines and sagginess that come with age. Brotox includes the three currently FDA approved injectables: Botox®, Dysport® and Xeomin®. More and more men are standing in line for minimally invasive procedures like injectables or fillers which can reduce lines and wrinkles. These non-surgical procedures add volume to areas such as cheeks and lips.

Men are often unaware that there are procedures that can address their ageing concerns. Hence, they need more information on the range of available procedures followed by an in-depth discussion on the risks and benefits and outcomes of each option.

Why are more men seeking enhancements of their facial features?  

It really is quite simple: they want to look more masculine. The general opinion is that there are some features that will make you drop dead gorgeous: a prominent jaw, jutting chin, thick and horizontal brows, high and angular cheekbones and full lips. Another reason for this highly sought-after Adonis look is to attract the damsels and mademoiselles! It is a scientific fact that men with these features are more attractive to women. So, who wouldn’t want to look like Superman?

A defined, square jaw and chiselled cheeks are also analogous with power, dominance and authority. Executives with well-defined masculine features were viewed as more accomplished and knowledgeable according to a study at Duke University.

But how can fillers help you achieve this look? Fillers are ideal in making subtle changes and contouring the chin, jawline, temples and upper cheeks for a more distinctive look. They augment the facial angles for more desirable results. Fillers work wonders to reshape the face in fine and remarkable ways. Injected correctly, fillers can add volume to the chin, jaw, nose and cheeks to modify their shape. They also volumise cheeks that are sunken as a result of ageing and simultaneously soften the so-called smile lines. Add a bit of filler for fuller lips, and the ladies will find you irresistible! Go on, do these procedures – they are minimally invasive and deliver great results. With your newfound self-confidence, you can become anybody’s Superhero!


Go for it – YES, you do!

The social taboos and scoffing at aesthetic procedures are long gone for millennial men. They tend to look at these procedures as necessary maintenance and are meticulous in their grooming regime. Various sources quote the average age of men undergoing these procedures as varying from 39.3 to 42 years of age. But the baby boomers are catching on to it. If celebrities like Simon Cowell are admitting that they had a ‘little help’, what’s stopping you?

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